SG Elfin Acres Camillia 2*M VEEV 89
Camillia earned her Superior Genetics Title in 2015!
She has earned two Championship legs
Camillia has joined the fabulous herd at Terra Mia Nigerians!
PURPLE CAMAS FARM FABIO EEE91 GCH MYSTIC ACRES SNAPDRAGON +B VEE88 (Inavale Mel Gibson x OTR Magic's Hijinx) AXULIA NEFERTITI +EE+83 (Tupence Madison x Shadow Mountain Black Magic) |
SGCH ELITE THE LILAC TWINKLETOES 1*M EEEV91 INAVALE MEL GIBSON (MCH Twin Creeks Brave Heart ++S x Enchanted Hill Double Lily) TOEHEAD ROYALE RILEY (aka Rita) (Orchard View GT Crown Royale ++E83 x Toehead Madison ++EA80) |
Camillia started her show career with a Championship at Herd Jewels in 2012. Since then she has been chasing her mother and herdmates for legs towards her title. Her show career in 2014 was cancelled due to mastitis that affected half her udder. In spite of only having one side in full production she still managed to produce 850# in 314 days. Camillia is a very stylish doe with her mother Lilac's high production and her sire, Fabio's strength (and exceedingly good looks <grin>). Her kids from Etienne last year have travelled far and wide. Cami & Serfling Farms BW Exclamation! presented us with three bucklings in 2015. One went to Canada, one to California and Blackthorn stayed home. This combination brings multiple 'layers' of Braveheart into the herd. We are excited to see what these three bucks accomplish in the next few years! Blackthorn's offspring have delighted us!